A downloadable game for Windows

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Un viaje inusual con un final inesperado, esta aventura es en primera persona. Tendrás que descubrir ¿Quién eres? y ¿  A donde vas?

¿Serás capaz de hacerlo?

Limitación escogida es empieza donde acaba.

Audios en Español e Inlgés.


An unusual journey with an unexpected ending, this adventure is in the first person. You will have to discover who you are and where are you going?

Will you be able to do it?

Limitation chosen is started where it ends.

Voices in English and Spanish.



  • Mover -> WASD
  • Saltar -> Spacio
  • Interactuar -> Botón izquierdo del ratón


  • Move -> WASD
  • Jump -> Spacio
  • Interact -> Botón izquierdo del ratón


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    Click download now to get access to the following files:

    El viaje.zip 212 MB

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    I like the way the story is told, I hope that I can finish it soon. Good job!.

    Thank you very much for your message, I'm glad you liked it

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    think is bueno but need fix bug doors

    Thanks for you messague  and time to play our game.  Yes it is a bug and you can't pass up the game. As soon as we can, we change it.